
All posts for the month January, 2016


Published January 22, 2016 by christinista

whyThis post comes from a very deep spot in my heart. My best friend/ sister is going through some really painful health issues and she is hurting deeply. I feel for her. It’s very hard to watch someone’s light dim, especially on such a beautiful being. When tough situations come up in life… Automatically I, like most go straight to questioning God. Why, Lord would you give your daughter such a hard battle. I know you give the hardest fights to your toughest soldier’s but when is the battle actually over? Most importantly will it win or will she? These are the questions I constantly ask God. No I am not angry with God, but frustration is definitely a strong feeling I have. I constantly rely on Jeremiah 29:11 God has a plan for all, this I know… At the end of the day I guess all I can do is be grateful for all things given to me. I just pray You still have a bright future for my friend, here on earth.

xo the Christinista

Definition Of A Christinista

Published January 22, 2016 by christinista

xcdgfgfgdSo it’s been almost a year and boy have things changed since I first typed the words “xo the Christinista”…

A lot of new things are in the works for The Christinista and I am so excited to share them. I will be letting you all know soon, I promise. One thing I wanted to share today is my “OFFICIAL” definition of the Christinista 🙂



Noun: (Krist e Niste)

A beautiful, strong, stylish, independent, new follower of Christ.


I just look this definition because in life this is what I aspire to be and continue to strive to not fail or let down my other fellow Christinistas. Hope you guys like it as much as I do

xo the Christinista

2016 F A S T I N G

Published January 13, 2016 by christinista

The-Power-of-Prayer-and-Fasting-ImageHey guys!!!

So it’s that time again!!! Time to fast! Fasting is meant to be a sacrifice to the Lord. It’s basically the dying of your flesh (your wants and ‘needs’) to gain Christ. I don’t know about you but I’ll take that lol. During this time you should be connecting with God on another level. The other day in church our pastor said something that stood out to me. He said “Seek His face, before you seek His hand”. That got me thinking, whenever we want/need help we go to someone we know, never has anyone just accepted a hand out from someone they do not know. No one just walks up to a stranger and says I need ‘xyz’, because it’s weird… We usually go to someone we know, someone we are familiar with already. My point is we should know God before asking for a favor from Him. I said all that to say FAST! Deepen your relationship with Him. Most people don’t fast/ won’t fast because they assume they automatically have to give up food. Yes for the most part, people do give up food. But it’s YOUR relationship with Him. Like all relationships… No two are the same. Maybe you need to give up television, or soda, or staying up too late. Whatever you choose give it to God, and He’ll do the rest.

xo the Christinista






Published January 5, 2016 by christinista

2016Happy New Year EVERYONE!

I am so excited to start this year off right. Something about Day 1 or 365 sounds amazing to me! Have you started your Roles and Goals? or Resolutions and Revelations? I try not to be cliché and make up “New Year’s Resolutions” so instead I write out goals monthly. What are you most looking forward to this year? I am honestly looking forward to a fresh start, clean state. Hope everyone has a blessed week

xo the Christinista